Sunday, July 5, 2009

Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?

Title: Did I Ever Tell You How Lucky You Are?
Author: Dr. Seuss
Reviewed by: Jenn
Mom's Rating:
Henry's Rating: 9/10
Review: This little-known Dr. Seuss book may be my very favorite one! The narrator speaks to anyone who has ever felt sorry for themselves, telling them: "Some people are much more . . . oh ever so much more . . . oh muchly, much-much more unlucky than you." The book is filled with examples of the most unlucky people in the world, describing their dismal fates and reminding us that our lives could be much worse than they are. In pure Dr. Seuss fashion, the unlucky folks he describes are quirky and hilarious, like the bee-watcher-watcher, the poogle-horn player, and the poor man whose job it is to cross t's and dot i's for a living. The best part of the book is that it is rhythmic, lyrical, and quite the tongue-twister, so it is SO FUN to read aloud! This is one library book that I have decided I absolutely must own because I love reading it so much, and Henry loves it too.

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